May 14, 2022Liked by Chris Ryan

Great conversation, but the ads for supplements was really off-putting. Paul sounds like a really interesting guy but my skepticism kicked in with the first supplements pitch and then went into high gear with his veiled criticism of COVID vaccines. The whole wellness industry has taken a dogmatic stance against vaccines based on the claim that Big Pharma is getting rich, which is the pot calling the kettle black for all the peddlers of supplements. I don’t deny that we have a great deal of control of our health based on what we eat and how we live, but so did the Indigenous peoples of the Americas and Small Pox still wiped out 90% of them. I’ll eat well and get plenty of exercise, meditation and rest, and I’ll still optimize my immune system with the help of a vaccine to teach my body how to defend itself against a novel pathogen. Sorry for the screed, folks, but I have two brothers deeply enmeshed in the COVID conspiracy world, and I work in public health in countries where children still die every day of vaccine preventable diseases.

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I was uncomfortable with a few things Paul brought up as well, (and I’m willing to bet Chris was too) but ultimately I thought it was a great conversation. I’m getting so exhausted trying to figure out which camp people are in, and then deciding if their opinions are valid or not based on that, that I actually felt refreshed by hearing the two of them speak about where their interests aligned and just focusing on that. We miss out on so much by dismissing people entirely when maybe we don’t agree with a portion of what they have to say.

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I couldn’t agree more. I didn’t mean to come across as dismissive of Paul as a person; it was a great conversation and I could very much identify with their exploration of ethical non-monogamy, having experienced it myself.

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May 13, 2022Liked by Chris Ryan

I probably haven't heard all the podcasts you've been on, but this is by far the best I've heard. Two of my favourite wise men together - pure braingasm. It's really apparrent that something beautiful is cooking between you two. It's a shame you did not come across Paul during the early pandemic days but maybe this was exactly the right moment.

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I first heard about Paul Chek through Elliot Hulse, who would honestly be a hilarious person for Chris to talk to, imo. Excited to listen to this Paul seems like an interesting dude

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I can't wait for my husband to listen to this. Right conversation, right time. His horse analogy, and therapeutic tidbits...the wonderfully mature vantage point you two share is exceptionally helpful.

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