This was a tough listen in some ways and relieving in others. It can be so hard to draw the line sometimes between what's working and what isn't, or stacking what you know is working against what you know isn't. Sometimes I feel like I am wrongfully holding on to my relationship and forcing it, other times I feel like I'm headed in exactly the right direction. We're both getting older and it feels like judgement will have to come down hard on either side, very soon.

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That haircut is completely insane. You look like WIlly Wonka's uncle.

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Hey Chris, I wanted to try to message you this question but I can't figure out how, I might try email as well. But because it was mentioned on this podcast maybe it is relevant to post here. I liked the discussion about the difference between love, attraction, and compatibility. I never really thought about it like that. Could you elaborate more? Have you ever considered marriage being some combination of those three elements and how it works as a three legged stool type of concept?

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Posted On the Tangentially Speaking Reddit as well, but wanted to post here on the chance that some may see it here but not over there... Thanks for any advice!

I've unexpectedly found a long-term relationship of 6 years ending just before the holidays this year, and not unsurprisingly, am completely devastated. It was not my decision at all and I was very much happy in the relationship, so I'm having a challenging time grappling with it. I've greatly benefited from the accumulated wisdom and perspective I've found through the podcast over the years. I'm hoping that I can lean into it to try and help me process some of the things that I'm feeling and to try and help evaluate what I'm going to do moving forward in this next chapter in my life. I'm doing my best to look at it as an opportunity for growth as a person and the opportunity to evolve, as opposed to sulking and self-sabotaging.

I already listened to the very recent Kyle Thiermann episode and found some of the things said there tremendously helpful. Essentially, I am looking for more of that in trying to achieve as much perspective and fuel for reflection as possible. So any past episode recommendations would be much appreciated. I also would appreciate any recommendations outside of the podcast as well if there's something that comes to mind.

Thanks, and I hope everyone is having a good holiday!

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The episodes with Chris chatting to a good friend are always so good. And this was great for a zoomisode - I could barely tell it wasn't in-person.

Also I came to check out the video version after it was mentioned, and maybe I haven't seen Doctopher in a while but I gotta say the hair/beard/glasses thing is a good look👀

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Respect for fringe ideas doesn't necessarily come from big numbers but big power.

The UFO buffs who believe in the free-energy conspiracy perpetrated by the Deep State and Big Oil are an easy target because those guys don't have any real power, but if the likes of Elon Musk or Sam Altman follow the doctrine of TESCREALism (the philosophy any Tech Bro in Silicon Valley adheres to nowadays) nobody laughs at them.

Altman and Musk are literally trying to become immortal space gods who will uplift humanity to the stars and transform the universe into a single computer where quadrillions of virtual beings will live in an endless paradise, and that's supposed to be LESS laughable than crash-prone aliens littering the deserts of the Southwest United States with their spaceships?

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Good conversation. Fue interesante escucharlos hablar español. Pretty good accent.

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Hi Chris,

How about an episode w/Cacilda, where U 2 talk about marriage & divorce ?



C U soon in Kona.

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You looked like if Beethoven worked at the co-op.

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Dude, Chris, PLEASE make a post with every photo you have of the entire timeline of your terrible hair chapter.

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Added a photo to the post to give you some visuals.

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Not as bad as you made it out to be!! But you made the right decision

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Art at its finest!

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Possibly after college? Your first adult breakup can happen well after college, surely?

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