I don’t remember who had this excellent take on ‘the world as a simulation’ but it slapped me out of what I take as essentially another philosophical reductionist idea.
Thing is, cosmology based on the scientific method sees the universe as a Random walk, what order emerges also being random/meaningless.
-it makes you powerless
I claim the mind that thinks like this places the cart in front of the horse by saying “Because there are a amazing similarities between what patterns we can make on a computer and what we can see in the universe, it must mean that the Universe is a simulation”,,
It’s simply to similar for them to have arisen as a phenomenon in a “Random Walk” paradigm.
- They could never imagine the universe itself to expound such meaningful similarities
What is missed is:
“Everything that arises in the universe looks each other”
DNA has the same structure between species. Snail house looks like a galaxy.
Lungs look like a tree.
OFC a computer that arises in the Universe is going to look like IT.
The universe is the mother! And does expound meaningful patterns!
It’s the other way around!
I find thinking about 3.14 and synergy as opposed to linear reductionist causality sends the simulation theory to my bullshit filter along with many other things.
It strikes me as a dehumanising take, like all the rest:
Aliens built the pyramids(as opposed to the cooler idea of us singing them in place after the flood with lost technology),
we’re cloned instead of boiled out of the rocks,
God made us whatever.
It’s lame! Grow up, think ecological! :)
It’s a part of healthy self maintinence against toxic ideas.
Lately I’ve grotten info this AMAZING scientist that is like what the atom bomb was to blowing stuff up to Reductionism.
WAOwie, Erik Lerner of LPP Fusion.
These mom and pop shop fusion scientists have actually been able to achieve the highest temperature of all the experiments by mimicking how plasma clouds forms in galaxies (instead of spinning up Tokamaks.
And in addition to doing officially groundbreaking scientific research he has a cosmology that tears to shredder the reductionism coming following from a Big Bang theory (everything is a string of causality/random walk from an explosion) to showing that everything we see in the universe actually could have grow from Plasma interacting with itself in the centre of galaxies. Imagine an opening flower of creation as opposed to big bang. Forever.
I remember reading some time ago a thought experiment created by a psychology professor to test their students:
In this make-believe scenario, a woman wakes up in her bedroom only to find out that, lying on the bed next to her, is some adult stranger that hadn't been there the night before. The man appears to be totally unconscious and, not only that, but the woman also notices that there's a tube connecting the man's abdomen to her own.
Just when the woman's confusion couldn't be any greater, another stranger man walks into her bedroom to explain the situation. "Hello," the second man says. "We're very sorry to have intruded into your privacy without permission, but the man next to you is the greatest music composer in the world, who suffered a terrible accident last night, and the only way to keep him alive was to connect his body to yours. For the next 9 months you will have to stay attached to him until he fully reccovers; we very much regret any inconvenience this could cause you, and even though you can refuse to help us, know that this will certainly mean the death of this great artist."
The thought experiment was meant to make students think about the subject of abortion from a new perspective. But the exercise was *also* intended to cause a second reaction on the students, if you slightly switched the scenario with the the woman initially accepting to stay connected to the composer to save his life; but a few months later she says "screw it, this is too much trouble" and disconnects the tube.
Lukos Hey here, thanks for posting our bands song on your recent Broma episode, i was commuting to work listening to the Broma and i was completely in shock, i froze up actually, such a beautiful and exciting moment, enjoy the track guys and gals
I don’t remember who had this excellent take on ‘the world as a simulation’ but it slapped me out of what I take as essentially another philosophical reductionist idea.
Thing is, cosmology based on the scientific method sees the universe as a Random walk, what order emerges also being random/meaningless.
-it makes you powerless
I claim the mind that thinks like this places the cart in front of the horse by saying “Because there are a amazing similarities between what patterns we can make on a computer and what we can see in the universe, it must mean that the Universe is a simulation”,,
It’s simply to similar for them to have arisen as a phenomenon in a “Random Walk” paradigm.
- They could never imagine the universe itself to expound such meaningful similarities
What is missed is:
“Everything that arises in the universe looks each other”
DNA has the same structure between species. Snail house looks like a galaxy.
Lungs look like a tree.
OFC a computer that arises in the Universe is going to look like IT.
The universe is the mother! And does expound meaningful patterns!
It’s the other way around!
I find thinking about 3.14 and synergy as opposed to linear reductionist causality sends the simulation theory to my bullshit filter along with many other things.
It strikes me as a dehumanising take, like all the rest:
Aliens built the pyramids(as opposed to the cooler idea of us singing them in place after the flood with lost technology),
we’re cloned instead of boiled out of the rocks,
God made us whatever.
It’s lame! Grow up, think ecological! :)
It’s a part of healthy self maintinence against toxic ideas.
Lately I’ve grotten info this AMAZING scientist that is like what the atom bomb was to blowing stuff up to Reductionism.
WAOwie, Erik Lerner of LPP Fusion.
These mom and pop shop fusion scientists have actually been able to achieve the highest temperature of all the experiments by mimicking how plasma clouds forms in galaxies (instead of spinning up Tokamaks.
And in addition to doing officially groundbreaking scientific research he has a cosmology that tears to shredder the reductionism coming following from a Big Bang theory (everything is a string of causality/random walk from an explosion) to showing that everything we see in the universe actually could have grow from Plasma interacting with itself in the centre of galaxies. Imagine an opening flower of creation as opposed to big bang. Forever.
Quick Wiki for your own BS detector:
See the vids from his big bang series before you diss me, (Backroundradiation/Expansion, Refshift are all addressed) here——> https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBg1fqjrUVrnOnOzcry3ilvOH6iOxV56m
And his fusion stuff here—-> https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBg1fqjrUVrmiSM2Qr0GM0c8XyDx15lGP
You owe it to yourself to go through this stuff
This is interesting and elementary,
As every Russel Brand video says “This Changes everything!” (:
You hve given me stuff to think about so I’ll share this
Let’s not be civilised to death!
PS I’m sorry for not writing so suer-duper on my iPhone but at least I got to share my 5 cents with Y’all!
Have a nice day
(days if you’re watching the links!)
I remember reading some time ago a thought experiment created by a psychology professor to test their students:
In this make-believe scenario, a woman wakes up in her bedroom only to find out that, lying on the bed next to her, is some adult stranger that hadn't been there the night before. The man appears to be totally unconscious and, not only that, but the woman also notices that there's a tube connecting the man's abdomen to her own.
Just when the woman's confusion couldn't be any greater, another stranger man walks into her bedroom to explain the situation. "Hello," the second man says. "We're very sorry to have intruded into your privacy without permission, but the man next to you is the greatest music composer in the world, who suffered a terrible accident last night, and the only way to keep him alive was to connect his body to yours. For the next 9 months you will have to stay attached to him until he fully reccovers; we very much regret any inconvenience this could cause you, and even though you can refuse to help us, know that this will certainly mean the death of this great artist."
The thought experiment was meant to make students think about the subject of abortion from a new perspective. But the exercise was *also* intended to cause a second reaction on the students, if you slightly switched the scenario with the the woman initially accepting to stay connected to the composer to save his life; but a few months later she says "screw it, this is too much trouble" and disconnects the tube.
Lukos Hey here, thanks for posting our bands song on your recent Broma episode, i was commuting to work listening to the Broma and i was completely in shock, i froze up actually, such a beautiful and exciting moment, enjoy the track guys and gals