Tangentially Speaking with Chris Ryan
Tangentially Speaking with Christopher Ryan
615 - Charlie Hart (Naughty Bits)

615 - Charlie Hart (Naughty Bits)


“You were once wild here. Don’t let them tame you.”
Isadora Duncan

In an age where we’re told to always strive for efficiency, monetization, and TOTAL OPTIMIZATION, doing something purely for the fuck of it becomes a subversive, revolutionary act. Charlie is a very smart dude who has deployed a significant amount of his time and creative juices on something that makes no sense, will make no money, and can’t possibly change the course of history. The point seems to be to demonstrate that such things are still possible — that we can still follow a whim to wherever it leads. When grown-ups decide to PLAY, things get weird. Don’t believe me? Call 1-800-501-DOIT (no console required).

Intro music “Brightside of the Sun,” by Basin and Range. Paid version: “Fuck McDonald’s and Taco Bell,” by Afroman; Outro: “Smoke Alarm,” by Carsie Blanton.

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Tangentially Speaking with Chris Ryan
Tangentially Speaking with Christopher Ryan
Tangentially Speaking is dedicated to the idea that good conversation is organic, uncensored, revelatory, and free to go down unexpected paths with unconventional people.